Conversion Funnels 101

Using conversion funnels in marketing is nothing new, however in the past few years they have become one of the primary focuses for websites. Personally, I believe they should be the primary goal of every home page and the primary function of every landing page. I...

Things to Consider in Logo Design

Designing a logo seems very easy at first glance. However, once you start looking at the methodology and parameters factored into each design, the art of logo design quickly become complex and challenging. This short article outlines some of the more important...

Serif versus Sans Serif Type

Chances are good that you’ve looked through the dozens of fonts installed on your computer and seen the word ‘serif’ or ‘sans serif’ and at some point wondered what in the wold these words actually mean. The short answer is these are two...

Gestalt Design Theory

What is gestalt design? As you might have guessed, gestalt is a German word. There is no perfect translation in English. A close translation might be “a pattern of elements so unified as a whole that its properties cannot be derived from a simple summation of...

Goals for a Paperless Office

One of my goals in 2011 was to put a priority on converting to a paperless office. Beyond saving a few trees, some of the advantages of the paperless office are less clutter, better organization, and moving to one system of record tracking instead of two (paper and...